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Meet Thomas & Noni Ramundo

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“We will proclaim the Lord’s greatness and lift up his name

together” – Psalm 34:3


Throughout fifty-four years of marriage and fifty-three years

of ministry, Thomas and Noni have been serving the Lord

together. During that time, Thomas has served thirty-seven years as

a lead pastor, eight years as a conference superintendent, and the

last eight years in a full-time speaking ministry. Superintendent

Emeritus of the Southern Michigan Conference of the Free Methodist

Church, he serves regularly as a Sunday morning pulpit guest, as well

as a family camp, revival, and conference speaker. He also ministers in pastors,

pastor-spouse, prayer, youth, college, men’s, and marriage retreats, and conducts preaching workshops. Thomas provides coaching and consulting to pastors and is the founder and leader of “Prayer Warrior Boot Camp.” Noni has been active in various ministries, serving many years as a worship leader, children’s worker, speaker for women’s retreats, and more recently in the prayer boot camps. She is also addicted to memorizing Scripture and enjoys giving dramatic recitations of God’s Word.


Along with ministry in the Free Methodist Church, the Ramundos minister in other denominational and independent church settings.


Thomas grew-up in one of Chicagoland’s “Little Italy” neighborhoods and came to faith in Christ at the age of fifteen in the Free Methodist Italian Mission. Noni, whose father served a career in the military, was born and lived until fourth grade in Japan, where a U.S. Army chaplain led her to the Lord.

Both the Ramundos are graduates of Free Methodist high school Wessington Springs Academy, where they met, and Spring Arbor University, where they received their Bachelor of Arts degrees. Noni majored in education and for a time taught in public schools and Thomas majored in philosophy-religion. Thomas holds a Masters in Ministry from Bethel University and has undertaken additional studies at other institutions.


During Thomas’ tenure as lead pastor of the Jackson, Michigan, Free Methodist Church, the church grew from a worship attendance of 180 to 700 through a strong emphasis on prayer and outreach. 

Thomas’s pulpit ministry has been featured in a book by Dr. Donald Demaray, and his work in the area of racial reconciliation in a book by Promise Keepers founder Bill McCartney. He has taught in the Theology Department at Spring Arbor University and has written for newspapers, periodicals, and professional publications, served as the editor for numerous projects, been both a sports and religion columnist, and is a published poet. He is the author of the book, The Prayer Life You’ve Always Wanted. He has served on the governing bodies of a variety of Christian, community, educational, publishing, local, and state boards. 


The Ramundos have been married since 1969, and they are the parents of a son, Samuel, who is deceased, two daughters, and three grandchildren.  Thomas is a former high school football referee, and along with Noni enjoys working out, running, cycling, kayaking, and mountain hiking. The two of them are avid readers AND baseball fans. They have been to games at all 30 Major League stadiums! Their international travels have included Biblical studies trips to Israel, Jordan, Turkey, and Greece; mission trips to Canada, Hungary, Mexico, Thailand, and Cambodia, and most recently Ghana, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Togo and Malawi; and other travels in Italy, England, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands.           

Thomas' "MVP" 
Mission, Vision, and Passion

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
Philippians 1:21 (Multiple Translations)


“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the good news about the wonderful grace of God.”
-Acts 20:24 NLT



To be a man of God who is filled with the Spirit (1), walks by the Spirit (2), bears the fruit of the Spirit (3), exercises the gifts of the Spirit (4), and keeps in step with the Spirit(5).



“Any day in which work is not done for Christ is wasted.”

                                                                          -William Borden

“Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.”

                                                                           -Jim Elliott

“Only one life, ‘twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.”

                                                                           -C.T. Studd




1 Ephesians 5:18.
2 Galatians 5:16.
3 Galatians 5:22-23.
4 1 Corinthians 7:7.
5 Galatians 5:25.




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4029 Magnolia Pkwy, Jackson, MI 49201-8174


(517) 740-9534

(517) 740-7154



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